Hunger, Habits, Humility

For IWUHoops, each season is a journey of men in the program trading the pursuit of me for the pursuit of 3.  Through intentional prayer, Bible study and community, God has continued to reveal new depths of an IAm3rd life.  

The 2016-2017 journey was one of a team filled with apathy learning to live a life marked by hunger, habits and humility.  Read Coach T's thoughts on this transformation HERE  

This offseason and preseason have seen IWUHoopers pursuing 'hunger, habits and humility.'   A pursuit of Hunger sets you in motion.  Habits keep you in motion.  Humility puts others in motion.  This pattern has taken some of the men in the program beyond mere growth and into transformation.  Over the next few weeks, we invite you to check back on the blog often to hear the stories of what the team is learning and who the players within the program are becoming.

Becoming A Person with the right habits

Developing good habits has never been a strength of mine.  If you talk to most of the coaches I have had in my career, they would say good habits are something I have really struggled with in the past.  I remember in high school, even when I would go in to the weight room, I would work to my comfort level.  As soon as I got uncomfortable, I would cut reps. 


Over the past few months, I have been becoming a person with good habits.  It all started with being called out by my teammates.  I was really struggling with cutting reps for the first several months when I got to IWU.  This led into June, and the day of my first junkyard workout.  It was the worst day of my life.  That workout was the hardest thing I have ever been through and my teammates wouldn’t let me quit. I left wondering if basketball was part of my future and if IWU was the right place for me.   


After talking things over with Coach T, I realized I needed to change my view on things.  I started to look at workouts from the view of the team and not just from a ME perspective.  I slowly started to change my habits…and I am actually starting to enjoy workouts!  This attitude is helping me off the court as well. By developing better habits, I am moving toward reaching my potential in basketball, and in life. 

-Sam McCracken, Redshirt Freshman