Re-defining Greatness
Over the past few years, IWUHoops has noticed a growing hunger from men and women who desire to ‘trade the pursuit of me for the pursuit of 3’ in their leadership context. Trent Dailey, the President of Insurance Management Group, was one of these leaders, and he initiated an endowment to allow the coaching staff at IWUHoops to pursue a God-given dream to spark more hearts toward IAm3rd leadership. These leaders come from many spheres of influence, but share a passion to ‘re-define greatness’ by making disciples of Christ within the context they lead.
Greater Retreat
The influence of the Greater Movement has multiplied into many contexts, with one avenue being an annual retreat for college basketball coaches. Four sessions allow space for leaders and coaches to pray and strategize about how to bring these core elements of discipleship back into their own leadership context.
1. Box vs Line
“Setting those you lead on a trajectory toward the IAm3rd Life”
3. Prayer
“The most productive time you can spend as a leader”
2. The Word
“Unlocking potential through the voice of God”
4. Shared Experience
“Creating space for transformational community”
Greater Conference
Another avenue of influence from the ‘Greater Movement’ is an annual conference designed for high school coaches but that has also included leaders from other areas such as business and education. This day focuses on fresh ways to bring Christ into leadership positions in order to have a Kingdom influence even in a public setting.
1: Box vs. Line
3. Unconscious Player Meetings
5. Unconscious Players’ Panel
2. The Word-Unconscious
4. Unconscious Scouting Reports
6. Unconscious Leadership Panel
7. Unconscious Leadership
Greater videos
For more information about the Greater Movement, including upcoming events, please contact